An Assessment of the Department of Information and Communications Technology’s Free Wi-Fi in Public Places Project


  • Nikko Visperas Lecturer, Far Eastern University - Manila, Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, City of Manila 1015, Philippines


Pipol Konek, Free Wi-fi in Public Places, DICT


The Pipol Konek project of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) is the department’s flagship Free Wi-Fi for public places project. Pipol Konek aims to bring a reliable, ubiquitous Internet access to more Filipinos through Wi-Fi access in most public spots, including schools, parks, public transportation, and the likes. Having only started in 2012, there is a lot to be desired in terms of assessing Pipol Konek’s internet access; and from a Communications standpoint, its appeal and utility to the Filipinos. Utilizing Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory, the study assessed the Pipol Konek as an innovation and the perception of the utilizing public as an innovation. It determined the utilization practices of Metro Manila users on Pipol Konek and its perceived attributes of innovation; i.e.: relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, trialability, and observability. Meanwhile, aspects of utilization such as awareness, frequency of usage, reasons for usage, location preferences, time preferences, devices used, likelihood of repeated use, reasons for disuse, and sources of information on Pipol Konek. A survey instrument was developed and validated for the purposes of the study. Relationships were also studied between demographic characteristics of gender, age, profession, civil status, and the perceived attributes of innovation. Findings revealed that most respondents claimed to use Pipol Konek once in a day during the mid-day and afternoon through their smartphones to connect to their friends and family. They had also responded strongly to the perceived attributes of innovation on Pipol Konek, thereby viewing Pipol Konek as a positive innovation. In terms of relationships between demographic characteristics and perceived attributes of innovation, there were variances in the correlation of aspects. The implications of these results and recommendations are henceforth, placed in the paper.


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How to Cite

Nikko Visperas. (2022). An Assessment of the Department of Information and Communications Technology’s Free Wi-Fi in Public Places Project. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 63(2), 82–115. Retrieved from


