Fast Track Publication


(2-5 days to get peer review results using the fast track, cost will be 140 USD)

Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (The journal Covers all scientific fields)

Note: The Submission file must be Full-Paper Written in ENGLISH.

Impact Factor: 0.415

The International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) is an International Journal that provide authors with Fast Publishing option to publish their scientific papers in all main branches of science ( All scientific disciplines) such as Social Sciences , Natural Sciences , Formal Sciences, and Applied science.  The IJSBAR Published Papers are Indexed, Listed, And Abstracted in 50+ international institutions. For all details About this Journal and about Articles Publication CLICK HERE

IJSBAR Journal: Fast-Track Peer review option:

Rapid Journal Publication is important for certain cases where the authors need urgent Articles Publication In International Journals for many reasons such as funding policy limitations, graduation time limits, and promotions deadlines.  IJSBAR Journal guarantees that such urgent and Rapid Journal Publication will not compromise quality.

It should be clear for all authors that There is absolutely no difference in the acceptance/ rejection rate when authors have opted for rapid review and Fast Publishing, and there is no preferences will be given for Fast Track Journal Publishing process.

How to choose a fast-track peer review?

IJSBAR Journal initiated the Scientific Research Publication process with rapid peer review option called “Fast Track Peer Review and Research Publishing option” where authors can opt for this option by contacting the editor to consider their manuscript for Fast Publication, the journal’s editor usually answers the request within 1 working day by accepting the author’s paper under this fast track or reject the request for Rapid Journal Publication process. After contacting the editor; Authors should pay extra fee for completing their fast-track peer review process.

Fast Track Consideration Limits:

As authors can expect; we can accept a very limited number of papers under fast-track peer review; this limitation is due to reviewer’s ability to review papers within the given time limit for Fast Publication track.


Submit Now for Rapid Journal Publication: CALL FOR PAPERS

Deadline: Submission is Open for Fast Publishing

Fees and peer review time for Fast Publication (140 USD and the peer review results will be avilable within 2-5 Days)

Publication: Accepted papers will be added immediately to the "current" volume's Table of Contents within our Rapid Publication Journals.

 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December

 Recommended Fast Track Publishing journals:

This section contains  high quality journals; you can submit your paper for publication for fast track peer review (within 2-4 days), Just click the "submit your paper" statement next to each journal.


Journal Website

Publication fees (10-20 days)

Journal's Call For Papers 

Online Submission System


American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences

105 USD


International Journal of Computer

50 USD


International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research

105 USD