International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) <p style="text-align: justify;">The International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) is <strong>multidisciplinary peer reviewed Journal </strong><strong>intended to publish original research papers, and review articles in the following fields (but not limited to):</strong> anthropology, archaeology, communication, criminology, education, government, linguistics, international relations, political science, sociology, Earth science, Ecology, Oceanography, Meteorology, Life science, Human biology, Decision theory, Logic, Mathematics, Statistics, Systems theory, Theoretical computer science, Applied physics, Computer science, all Fields of engineering, Accounting, , Education, Economics, Medical Technology, Biology, Medicine, Management, History, Mineralogy, Civil Engineering, Marine Technology, Commerce, Chemical Engineering, Animal Sciences, Petroleum &amp; Gas, Energy Resources, Agriculture, Medical Sciences, Machine Learning, Machinery, computer Science, Chemistry, Neural Networks, Physics, Social Science, Geology, Transportation, Waste Management, Control Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Oceanography, Biomedical Materials, Construction, Metallurgy, Neural Computing, Industrial Arts, IT, Astronology, Fire &amp; Fire Prevention, Robotics Marine Sciences, Solid State Technology, Business Administration, Food &amp;Food Industry, Atmospheric Sciences, Artificial Intelligence, Textile Industry &amp; Fabrics, Education science, Physiology, Nano Science, Microbiology, Psychology, Statistics, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Genetics, Botany, Veterinary Sciences, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Zoology, Oncology, Accounting, Entomology, Parasitology, Evolution, human behavior, Biophysics, Fisheries, Pharmacology, Geography, Cell Biology, Genomics, Plant Biology, Law, Religious Studies, Endocrinology, Dentistry, Infectious Diseases, Toxicology, Immunology, Teacher education, and Neuroscience. </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This International journal usually will provide the Editor's decision based on the peer review results <strong>within 4 weeks (28 days)</strong> from the paper submission date.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal accepts scientific papers for publication after passing the journal's double peer review process. For detailed information about the journal kindly check <a title="About the Journal" href="">About the Journal</a> page. </p> <p> </p> Mohammad Nassar for Researches (MNFR) en-US International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 2307-4531 <p style="text-align: justify;">Authors who submit papers with this journal agree to the <a title="Copyright Notice" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">following terms</a>.&nbsp;</p> US or CT when it Comes to Monitoring Hepatic Metastases in Patients with Primary GIT and Breast Cancer? Comparative Results of Sensitivity and Specificity of CT and US <p>Malignant diseases are one of the greatest health challenges at the global level and a major social, public health and economic problem in the 21st century with the three most common types of cancer: lung cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer. Radiodiagnostics plays a major role in detecting the primary disease, its stage, the presence or absence of secondary deposits, response to therapy, and monitoring for possible relapses. The current challenge for radiodiagnostic methods is to provide aaccurate, non-invasive method that is highly sensitive and specific and well-tolerated by the patient. We conducted a prospective comparative study over a period of 12 months, which included 82 subjects, patients with metastatic liver disease with primary gastrointestinal tract cancer and breast cancer. Two CT contrast examinations were performed in three phases, as well as four US examinations over a period of 3 months, both examinations within 12 months.The aim of the study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound in relation to all phases of CT taken as the gold standard for detection of hepatic metastases. From the results obtained, US showed the highest sensitivity (100%) and specificity (92.31%) in patients with GIT cancer in hyperechoic changes compared to the arterial phase of CT, while in patients with breast cancer, the sensitivity of US is highest in ring changes (85.71%), and the specificity in isoechoic changes (95%). Regarding the venous phase, US did not show sensitivity for the detection of hepatic lesions in patients with cancer originating from the GIT, while in patients with breast cancer it showed maximum sensitivity (100%) in the detection of ring lesions, and maximum specificity for hypoechoic lesions (100%). US was shown to be sensitive compared to late-phase CT in detecting isoechoic changes in patients with breast cancer (83.33%), but insufficiently sensitive for changes in patients with GIT cancer. The specificity of US is maximum for hypoechoic changes in patients with GIT cancer (100%), and isoechoic changes in patients with breast cancer (88.57%).</p> Gabriela Dimova Antonio Gligorievski Marija Karakolevska Ilova Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 76 1 50 57 Experiential Learning and Creative Self-Efficacy in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review <p>This study systematically reviews the impact of experiential learning on creative self-efficacy (CSE) in higher education, emphasizing its transformative potential. Using Kolb’s experiential learning theory as a framework, the review examines key components such as hands-on activities, reflective practices, and interdisciplinary methods that foster creativity and self-confidence. Pedagogical strategies like project-based learning, technology-enhanced approaches, and mentorship were identified as effective in boosting CSE, while transferable skills such as critical thinking and resilience were notable outcomes. Despite these advancements, significant gaps remain, including limited understanding of the long-term effects of experiential learning and the role of cultural and individual differences. By addressing these gaps, this study aims to guide educators and policymakers in optimizing experiential learning practices to cultivate creativity and innovation in academic settings.</p> Yao Heng Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 76 1 1 13 Murine Models for pathogenicity of Human Neurotropic Stealth and Normal Hemophilus Influenzae B [HIB] <p>Human neurotropic stealth and normal intact Hemophilus influenzae b [HIB] were recovered from cases of subacute meningitis pateints.Tempts were made to reproduce the disease in murine models .Two infectious live doses as one and ten international units of the WHO opacity tube were prepared from both of the stealth and intact isolates.The dose volume was fixed as 0.1 ml.These infectious doses were applied to the murine models via intracranial and intravenous routes.The matching of gross neurogenic signs and symptomes of the infected mice were lasted up to ten days post-infection.At the dose 10 IU ,both stealth and intact HIB cause sudden death.While,1 IU doses from both stealth and intact HIB yield neurogenic symptomes from 7 to 10 days then the animals died. The 10 IU doses from both stealth and intact HIB via intravenous routes were leading to mild neurogenic symptome ranged from 2 to 24 hrs then vanished.While , 0.1 doses from both forms of the infectious agents showed symptomless state.The pathogenicity spectrum was as;symptomeless,mild neurogenic symptome ,sheffering,laid down on one body site on the stratum then death and/or sudden death.Reisolation was fruitfull in all infected animals. The direct impression stained smears of the infected mice brains showed landmarks of sub-acute meningitis.Intracranial mice model seems to be novel for simulation of human subacute meningits disease.</p> Ibrahim Shnawa Azhar ALThab Qassim Thewaini Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 76 1 14 22 Characterizing Ochratoxin A Production in Aspergillus Section Nigri: A. foetidus var. pallidus as an Emerging Contributor <p>Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi, posing significant health risks to humans and animals. Among these, ochratoxins, primarily produced by <em>Aspergillus</em> and <em>Penicillium</em> species, are recognized for their nephrotoxic and carcinogenic properties. This study investigates the growth and ochratoxin A (OTA) production of <em>Aspergillus</em> Section Nigri species isolated from grapes in the Aegean region of Turkey. The Agar Plug and Rice Culture methods were employed to assess OTA production. While <em>Aspergillus carbonarius</em> is widely known as the primary producer of OTA, the study also identified that 27% of <em>Aspergillus foetidus var. pallidus</em> strains produced OTA, with two strains exceeding 750 ppb in production. The Agar Plug method was found to be faster and more efficient compared to the Rice Culture method, with both methods yielding satisfactory recovery rates. These findings highlight the role of environmental factors in OTA production and suggest that <em>A. foetidus var. pallidus</em> could also significantly contribute to OTA contamination, emphasizing the need for effective management strategies in agriculture and food safety.</p> Nermin Sarıgül Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 2025-01-17 2025-01-17 76 1 147 153 Determination of Extracellular Enzymatic Activities of Bacteria Isolated from Insuyu Cave <p>Caves are often regarded as extreme environments due to their high humidity, stable low temperatures, limited nutrient availability, and minimal energy input. These unique characteristics attract researchers from various disciplines, including biology, chemistry, geology, and astronomy. Despite the presence of approximately 40,000 caves in Türkiye, microbiological studies in these habitats remain limited. One significant area of research involves the discovery of antimicrobial compounds and enzymes produced by microorganisms in isolated cave environments, driven by interspecies competition. In this study, bacterial strains were isolated from Insuyu Cave to evaluate their extracellular enzymatic activities. Seventy-five isolates were screened for lipase, protease, amylase, catalase, gelatinase, and urease production. Results showed that 39% of the strains exhibited lipolytic activity, 36% protease activity, 36% amylase activity, 91% catalase activity, 13% gelatinase activity, and 45% urease activity. The findings highlight the significant potential of caves as natural resources for industrial enzyme research.</p> Nermin Sarıgül Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 2025-01-17 2025-01-17 76 1 154 165