Call for Conference Proceedings

Call for Papers – 2024

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Call for Conference Proceedings

The International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) invites conferences organizers to publish their proceedings with IJSBAR as special issue.  

Conference proceedings publication requirements:

  1. All manuscripts should be prepared in DOCX (word 2010 format) using the journal's template. All submitted papers should be previously peer reviewed by the conference using a declared policy. 
  2. The conference manuscripts \papers prepared in DOCX, list of conference reviewers, cover letter, and the conference URL are the requirements needed to publish the conference papers. 
  3. The conference proceeding will be evaluated by the IJSBAR editorial board, if the conference proceedings is accepted for publication; then the conference organizers will be contacted to fill the IJSBAR proceedings copyright agreement. 
  4. If the conference proceedings are accepted for publication then the conference organizers will be asked to pay an amount between 1000 - 5000 USD to cover the publication \indexing\hosting costs. The amount is related to the number of papers within the conference proceedings.

call for paper \ proceedings topics:

This journal is a multidisciplinary journal, so all conference proceeding topics are accepted for publication as special issue within the journal. See our detailed list of topics for this journal. 

Apply for Publication of Conference Proceeding with ASRJETS:

All Conference proceedings publication requirements should be submitted to the ASRJETS editor at .