Factors Related To the Pre-eclampsia Case in Oesapa Health Center


  • Justina Purwarini A Sint Carolus School of Health Sciences, Jl. Salemba Raya 41, Jakarta 10440, Indonesia
  • Serly Sandra Moeda Sint Carolus School of Health Sciences, Jl. Salemba Raya 41, Jakarta 10440, Indonesia


Risk factors, pregnant women, pre-eclampsia.


Pre-eclampsia is a special condition during pregnancy where hypertension and proteinuria occur after 20 weeks of gestation in mothers who have had normal blood pressure. The number of pregnant women with pre-eclampsia in the Oesapa Health Center since 2014-2015 has increased. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors associated with the incidence of pre-eclampsia in the Oesapa Health Center. This study is an analytic observational study with a case control research design through a retrospective approach. Bivariate data analysis with Chi Square Test and multivariate analysis with Logistic Regression. Bivariate test results obtained data that there are 3 variables that have a relationship with the incidence of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women, namely age (p value 0,000; p <?), gravida status (p value 0,001) and Record of hypertension in the family (p value 0,000). Two variables did not have a relationship between the incidence of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women, namely education (p value 0.488; p> ?) and respondent's work (p value 0.899). In the multivariate analysis, the factor that most influence the incidence of pre-eclampsia is age (p value 0,000). Health workers need to improve antenatal care, so that they can take maximum preventive action against all risky pregnant women.


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How to Cite

Purwarini A, J., & Sandra Moeda, S. (2019). Factors Related To the Pre-eclampsia Case in Oesapa Health Center. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 45(1), 75–83. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/9836


