Investigating the Effectiveness of Positivism Group Psychotherapy in Life Expectancy and Psychological Well-Being of Cancer Patients


  • Zahra Saeidi Department of clinical psychology Shahid Beheshti University of medical science, Arabi street, Tehran 1985711151, Iran
  • Behrooz Birashk Department of behavioral sciences and Mental health Iran Medical University, Satarkhan street, Tehran1449614535, Iran


life expectancy, psychological well-being, cancer.


The aim of conducting this research was to investigate the effectiveness of positivism group psychotherapy in life expectancy and psychological well-being of cancer patients referring to Taleghani hospital in Tehran, Iran. This is a quasi-experimental study with pre- and post-tests. The research sample included 26 patients (13 patients in the experimental and control groups). The patients in the experimental group took part in six weeks of group sessions for one and a half months. The Adult Trait Hope Scale and Ryff’s psychological well-being scale were utilized for data collection.  The results showed that positivism group psychotherapy was effective in promoting life expectancy and psychological wellbeing of cancer patients. Therefore it is recommended that oncologists use the positivism group psychotherapy to increase life expectancy and promote psychological well-being of cancer patients.


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How to Cite

Saeidi, Z., & Birashk, B. (2019). Investigating the Effectiveness of Positivism Group Psychotherapy in Life Expectancy and Psychological Well-Being of Cancer Patients. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 44(2), 94–110. Retrieved from


