The Cultural Discrimination in Toni Morrison’s Novel Beloved


  • Aisha A. Almazro College of Language and Translation, Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia


Slavery, African American literature, Discrimination.


Toni Morrison is one of the most recognized African American writers. In her novels, she is able to claim the reputation of providing the voice to the voiceless in times where African Americans were degraded and discriminated against their color. This paper aims to explore the prejudice and racial discrimination in Morrison’s Beloved [1] from a historical, social, and cultural perspective. The conflict of such deep issues caused the characters in the novels to have psychological trauma that was deeply rooted since the days of slavery. These issues have haunted them during the critical times of the fake freedom that the white Americans claimed to have finally provided. Morrison wrote her novels under the impact of the Civil Rights Movement and her pen was a way of denying the injustice faced by the African Americans.


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How to Cite

A. Almazro, A. (2018). The Cultural Discrimination in Toni Morrison’s Novel Beloved. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 42(5), 160–166. Retrieved from


