The Profile of Riparian Tree Grown in the Area of Water Springs in Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province Indonesia


  • Chatarina Gradict Semiun Biology Study ProgramFaculty of Mathematics and Sciences Catholic University of Widya Mandira Kupang, Indonesia
  • Eufrasia R. A Lengur Biology Study ProgramFaculty of Mathematics and Sciences Catholic University of Widya Mandira Kupang, Indonesia


Riparian, Water springs.


This study aimsat determining the profile of riparian trees in springs located in Belo and Labat somewhere around Kupang city Indonesia. This is a descriptive study applyinga systematic random sampling method. The results show that both, naturlaness and hemeroby of spring in Belo show the same index that is 4, while in Labat were respectively 3 and 5. This is clearly seen that the index of species richness in Belo was higher (3.1) than that in Labat (1.6).However, the diversity index of riparian tree in Belo (1.83) and Labat (1.45) are categorized as low compared with the diversity index according to Krebs (1985). The composition of riparian tree species insprings located in Belo and Labat were not same or the similarity index (SI)is 42.05%. The riparian tree vegetation has been experiencing degradation due to the influence of high anthropogenic activities.


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How to Cite

Semiun, C. G., & R. A Lengur, E. (2018). The Profile of Riparian Tree Grown in the Area of Water Springs in Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 42(5), 75–83. Retrieved from


