The Effect of Productive Assets Quality and Third Party Funds on Operational Performance of Urban and Rural LPD’s Areas in Badung Regency


  • Eka Kristina Dewi Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana, Indonesia
  • Herkulanus Bambang Suprasto Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana, Indonesia
  • I Made Sadha Suardikha Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana, Indonesia
  • I Gede Ary Wirajaya Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana, Indonesia


Asset, Third Party Funds, Operational Performance.


This study aims to obtain empirical evidence on the influence and test of average growth of productive assets and third party funds on the operational performance of urban and rural areas of LPD. Method of probability sampling with purposive sampling technique was used as research method, so the sample amounted to 53 LPD. The used data analysis technique is multiple linear regression analysis and t-test. The test results stated that each of the independent variables, namely credit growth, fund investments growth in other banks, deposit growth, and saving growth have a positive influence on LPD operational performance. As well as the results of different test showed that there are differences in average earning assets and significant third-party funds between urban and rural areas LPD.


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How to Cite

Dewi, E. K., Bambang Suprasto, H., Sadha Suardikha, I. M., & Ary Wirajaya, I. G. (2019). The Effect of Productive Assets Quality and Third Party Funds on Operational Performance of Urban and Rural LPD’s Areas in Badung Regency. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 43(1), 109–116. Retrieved from


