Effectiveness of Summer Upgrading Teachers’ Education Program of Primary Schools in Tigray Regional State


  • Mengistu Hailu Dr. Mengistu Hailu is an assistant Professor of education at Mekelle University, Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, P.O.Box 231, Ethiopia
  • Kassa Michael Dr. Kassa Michael is an associate professor of Education at Addis Ababa University, College of Education and Behavioural Science. Ethiopia


Teacher upgrading, effectiveness.


Effectiveness of teachers is important in maintaining quality of education and achievement of goal of schooling. To this effect, teachers are being upgraded through summer in-service program. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the in-service teachers upgrading program in Tigray Regional State. Cross sectional survey design and a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were used. 514 upgraded teachers, 80 from school principals; parents and other school communities with an emphasis on PTSAs; leaders and teachers from CTEs; experts from selected woreda education offices and from Regional State Education Bureau Teacher Development Program and experts from the Teacher Education and Leadership Directorate of the Federal Ministry of Education; and 194 class observations were considered as sources of data. The data were collected by using a questionnaire survey, interview, documents analyses and class observation. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, narrations by using excerpts, and cross referencing. The results depicted that the prime objective of capacitating teachers in their subject knowledge mastery has been successfully achieved through the summer upgrading program. But the neglect shown at the commencement of the program towards the professional (pedagogical training part) has negatively influenced the implementation and outcome of the program. The upgrading program for teachers’ capacity was in short sight for not including school principals. School governance has been found a stumbling block for upgraded teachers to experiment and innovate back in their schools after upgrading.


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How to Cite

Hailu, M., & Michael, K. (2018). Effectiveness of Summer Upgrading Teachers’ Education Program of Primary Schools in Tigray Regional State. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 42(1), 124–150. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/9242


