Communication Competence on Apparatus State Civil in the Province Government of Riau


  • Biryanto Biryanto Research and Development Agency, The Province Government of Riau, Indonesia
  • Aida Vitayala S. Hubeis Department of Communication Sciences and Society Development, IPB, Indonesia
  • Krishnarini Matindas Department of Communication Sciences and Society Development, IPB, Indonesia
  • Ma’mun Sarma Department of Management, IPB, Indonesia


communication, communicaton competence, state civil apparatus.


Apparatus State Civil (ASN) serves as an element of the state apparatus that one of whose main duties is to organize a public service to the community.  The implementation of optimal public service tasks requires communication competence.  This study aims to analyze the elements of ASN communication competence consisting of knowledge, skills, and communication attitudes based on the individual characteristics of personnel. The research strategy used is descriptive explanatory survey method. The population is all employees of ASN who have a structural position in the Riau Provincial Government, with a total sample of 380 participants.  Method of sampling used proportional stratified, based on ASN positions consists of executive, supervisory, office administrator, and pratama high leadership.  The results of the study found that ASN knowledge, skills, and attitudes differ significantly based on the characteristics of rank, position, training, and education. This shows that ASNs with higher rank, position, training, and education, have better communication competence.


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How to Cite

Biryanto, B., S. Hubeis, A. V., Matindas, K., & Sarma, M. (2018). Communication Competence on Apparatus State Civil in the Province Government of Riau. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 40(2), 55–69. Retrieved from


