Constraints of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving and Proving Skill Competences, the Case of Four preparatory Schools in Guraghe Zone


  • Kassahun Tesfaye Agizew Department of Mathematics, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia
  • Endalkachew Getachew Ushachew Department of Mathematics, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia
  • Solomon Shiferaw Hurisa Department of Mathematics, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia
  • Dame Taye Gizaw Department of Psychology, College of Social Science and Humanities, Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia


Mathematics, skill, Preparatory.


The objective of this research study was to assess the constraints in the students’ mathematical problem solving and proving skill competences and propose solutions in order to overcome these problems (or the constraints). A mixed design (quantitative and qualitative designs) approach was used to collect data from the concerned stakeholders involved in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The study was carried out at four preparatory schools in four Woredas of Guraghe zone. Purposive sampling approach was used to select the sample Woredas and preparatory schools and simple random sampling approach was used to select sample section and sample students. As a result, 293 students were taken (70 students   were from Yaberus Secondary and preparatory school, 62 students were from Emdibir, 72 students were from Butajera and 89 students were from Abafiransua secondary and preparatory school). Questionnaires were administered to these students in order to collect the data for the study.

Results of the research showed that some of the constraints identified were students’ poor potential: to identify and use appropriate mathematical problem solving and proving strategies and mathematical keywords or indicators, to put connections among mathematical concepts and procedures as well as mathematical ideas with different real world situations, to transform givens in to solutions or required, family and society negative attitudes about mathematics. Moreover, teachers’ method of teaching mathematics and lack of opportunity for using any type of technology (computer program and software) aggravated the problem. It was found that the problems are multifaceted and accordingly the solutions require overall effort from all concerned stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Agizew, K. T., Ushachew, E. G., Hurisa, S. S., & Gizaw, D. T. (2018). Constraints of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving and Proving Skill Competences, the Case of Four preparatory Schools in Guraghe Zone. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 40(2), 18–29. Retrieved from


