Diallel Cross of Six InbredWaxy Corn (Zea mays L.)


  • Zainuddin Saleh Doctoral Student, Agriculture Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar South Sulawesi 90245, Indonesia
  • Yunus Musa Departement of Agronomy,Faculty of Agriculture,Hasanuddin University, Makassar South Sulawesi90245, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Farid BDR Departement of Agronomy,Faculty of Agriculture,Hasanuddin University, Makassar South Sulawesi90245, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Riadi Departement of Agronomy,Faculty of Agriculture,Hasanuddin University, Makassar South Sulawesi90245, Indonesia
  • Roy Efendi Indonesian Cereals Research Institute,Maros South Sulawesi 90514, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Azrai Indonesian Cereals Research Institute,Maros South Sulawesi 90514, Indonesia


diallel cross, combining ability, hybrid, waxy corn.


The waxy corn,  Zea mays L. which has relatively low productivity can be improved by assembling hybrid and synthetic corn genotypes. The important thing to know is information about the combining ability of each inbred line that will be used to assemble the waxy hybrid corn. This information is needed to design future waxy corn development strategies. Research on the assembly of hybrid waxy corn has been done at Indonesian Cereals Research Institute (ICERI) experimental station, Maros South Sulawesi in June 2015 to April 2016. Analysis of GCA and SCA were based on the Griffing’s fixed model of DiallelDesign  Methods I with the aim of estimating the value of combining ability. Six inbred lines of waxy corn, namely: #huacai; #Jgm 926; #Jgm F1; #25 F1; #Ys-a; #Ys-b used as a parent in a full diallel cross to produce 15 single cross hybrids, 15 reciprocals and 6 parents. The evaluation of combining ability used a randomized block design  with three replications. Combining ability analysis shows that genotype #Ys-b, #huachai, and #Ys-a have good general combining ability  (GCA) and hybrid #Ys-b x #Jgm F1, #huachai x #Jgm F1, and #Jgm 926 x #huachai has specific combining ability (SCA) which is good for grain yield character.


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How to Cite

Saleh, Z., Musa, Y., Farid BDR, M., Riadi, M., Efendi, R., & Azrai, M. (2018). Diallel Cross of Six InbredWaxy Corn (Zea mays L.). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 38(2), 254–261. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/8927


