Mapping of Environmental Health Risk to Support Healthy City in the Coastal Area of Bulukumba


  • Ikhsan Muhammad Biostatistic Departement, Hasanuddin University,Makassar-South Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Agus Bintara Birawida Environmental Health Departement, Hasanuddin University, Makassar-South Sulawesi, Indonesia


Coastal areas, Mapping, EHRA.


Coastal areas have a number of environmental health problems such as the availability of clean water, garbage, toilet and sewerage. An environmental-based decision-making approaches is Environmental Health Risk Assessment (EHRA) approach that oriented to spatial so that right on target. This research aimed to map the status of environmental health risks in the coastal area of Salemba village, Bulukumba district. The type of research is observation with descriptive approach. It was conducted on 3 hamlets in Salemba village. We collect samples as many as 185 houses. Sampling was done by non-random sample with accidental sampling method. The results indicated that the most water source consumed by households was gallon water equal to 46.5%. A total of 51 houses or 27.6% do not meet the physical requirements of clean water. A total of 24.3% of households still choose gardens, ditches, and rivers/beaches/seas for defecation. A total of 155 households or 83.8% have no trash can. A total of 185 households or 100% have no sewerage so that waste water flows into the yard, canals and drains. The result of Environmental Health Risk Assessment (EHRA) in Salemba village shows that 2 hamlets in less risky category and 1 in very-high risk category.


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How to Cite

Muhammad, I., & Birawida, A. B. (2018). Mapping of Environmental Health Risk to Support Healthy City in the Coastal Area of Bulukumba. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 38(2), 247–253. Retrieved from


