Effect Difference of Kegel Exercise and Sough Relaxation Exercise to Decrease Perineum Pain of Post-Partum Mother


  • Darwis Durahim Department of Physiotherapy, Polytechnic of Health Makassar, Makassar 90241, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Awal Department of Physiotherapy, Polytechnic of Health Makassar, Makassar 90241, Indonesia
  • Anshar Anshar Department of Physiotherapy, Polytechnic of Health Makassar, Makassar 90241, Indonesia
  • Fahrul Islam Department of Physiotherapy, Polytechnic of Health Makassar, Makassar 90241, Indonesia


Abdominal Exercise, Kinesio Tapping, Warm Compress, Visual Analoge Scale and Dysmenorrhea.


The postpartum period begins after the birth of the placenta and ends when the uterus returns as before pregnancy, which lasts for 6 weeks. In addition, the experience of perineum pain due to lacerations will also affect the activities of daily life. This research aimed to know the difference of influence of kegel exercises and sough relaxation exercises in the decrease of perineum pain in postpartum mother, using two group pre test-post test design. The research conducted at Sudiang Raya Community Health Center Makassar with population were all post partum mother and sampling technique was done by purposive sampling then obtained the number of samples as much as 20 respondents. Respondents divided into 2 groups, group 1 was 10 respondents who did kegel exercises and group 2 that was 10 respondents who did sough relaxation exercises. Data analysis used Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney Test. The results showed that there were difference of mean perineum pain before and after kegel exercises obtained p-value 0,005 where 0,005 <0,05. There were difference of mean perineum pain before and after sough relaxation exercises in p-value 0,005 where 0,005 <0,05. There were different effects of perineum pain after Kegel exercises compared with after sough relaxation exercises in p-value obtained 0,000 where 0,000 <0,005. It can be concluded that kegel exercises are more effective and have greater influence compared to sough relaxation exercises against decreased perineum pain in post partum mothers. It is therefore recommended for post partum mothers to perform kegel exercises to reduce postpartum perineum pain.


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How to Cite

Durahim, D., Awal, M., Anshar, A., & Islam, F. (2018). Effect Difference of Kegel Exercise and Sough Relaxation Exercise to Decrease Perineum Pain of Post-Partum Mother. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 37(3), 107–115. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/8766


