Technology Transfer in Biorefinery Development: A Discourse Analytic Approach


  • Syafrizal Maludin Gedung Pusat Inovasi LIPI, Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 47 Cibinong, Bogor 16912
  • Rizal Syarief Gedung SB-IPB, Jl. Raya Pajajaran, Bogor Utara, Bogor 16151
  • Amzul Rifin Gedung SB-IPB, Jl. Raya Pajajaran, Bogor Utara, Bogor 16151
  • Nurul Taufiqu Rochman Gedung Pusat Inovasi LIPI, Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 47 Cibinong, Bogor 16912


technology transfer, government, public research institutes, discourse analysis.


The purpose of this paper is to get the magnitude of parameter on internal and external factor of technology transfer process in biorefinery. The microscale process of technology development open the opportunity to get comprehensive vision in implementing advance technology. This investigation which cover in micro level of technology transfer process would be enriched by provision of useful insights on stakeholders on application of Biorefinery technology. The scope of research was included nation scale. This research covered of transferring technology from public funded institution as the technology provider. In this investigation, the internal and external factor of biorefinery were developed which based on observation, interview and text that enriched by literature review and main theoretical framework. This research contributes to the knowledge of innovation management in particular on technology transfer process which provides empirically description of identification of essential factor of technology transfer. It shows dynamics environment that influence the capacity of technology transfer and the role of each factor. The result of this research are able to enrich the knowledge of policy maker related to innovation process as it embraces appropriate concept and theory of technology transfer in similar type of advance technology. It is unlikely suggest to either structural changing or structural upgrading, however it shows new element that have not been touch by the government. To capture to this objective as innovation strategy, this paper enhances the understanding of innovation as endogenous aspect of economic development and influenced by exogenous forces.

Earlier research has identified the flow and stage of technology transfer from provider to user in the system, this paper outlines the platform as powerful role in policy making   


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How to Cite

Maludin, S., Syarief, R., Rifin, A., & Rochman, N. T. (2018). Technology Transfer in Biorefinery Development: A Discourse Analytic Approach. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 37(2), 90–112. Retrieved from


