The Collaboration Pattern and Strategy Integration in Community Empowerment in Husbandry Vocational Private College


  • Diwi Acita Irawati Department of Development Extension/Community Empowerment, Postgraduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, INDONESIA
  • Ravik Karsidi Department of Development Extension/Community Empowerment, Postgraduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, INDONESIA
  • Widodo Muktiyo Department of Development Extension/Community Empowerment, Postgraduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, INDONESIA
  • Sutrisno Hadi P. Department of Development Extension/Community Empowerment, Postgraduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, INDONESIA


Collaboration and Integration, Community Empowerment, Husbandry Vocational Private Colleges.


This study aims at studying the collaboration pattern dan strategy integration in the community empowerment made by a husbandry vocational private colleges. A qualitative approach is used in this study using a case study method in the Akademi Peternakan Karanganyar (Karanganyar Husbandry Academy). 58 informants consisting of such elements as the academy leaders, foundation leaders, program executors and program beneficiary are interviewed to explore the data related to the research focus. The community empowerment made takes the form of expanding the access to higher education for poor families. The program orientation is still limited only to study completion facilitation for program beneficiary students and increasing number of students. Many of the innovative and creative activities performed by both lecturers and students either personally or institutionally involve the beneficiary students. However, these activities have not been institutionalized yet hence their continuances cannot be ascertained yet. This is unfortunated given that they can actually be collaborated and integrated as a strategy of community empowerment specifically designed for husbandry vocational private colleges, hence their continuances can be ensured. The collaboration patterns are realized between the husbandry vocational private colleges’s stakeholders through their roles as guarantors, managers, initiators and social beneficiaries in the strategy integration of caring for education, caring for health and caring for economic issues programs.


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How to Cite

Irawati, D. A., Karsidi, R., Muktiyo, W., & Hadi P., S. (2018). The Collaboration Pattern and Strategy Integration in Community Empowerment in Husbandry Vocational Private College. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 37(2), 288–297. Retrieved from


