Phosphate Role in the Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis- A Review


  • Thamir S. Al-Niemi Department of Biology/Office of the Academic Affairs, King Faisal University, Al-Hassa, 31982, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Legumes, Nitrogen fixation, Phosphorus (P), Rhizobium, Symbiosis.


The international emphasis on maintaining farming systems productivity and sustainability is focusing on the use of renewable plant nutrients resources. In case of nitrogen (N), biological N2 fixation via symbiosis is the most important input for agricultural systems sustainability.  Research studying the association between rhizobia and the host legume plants has enhanced our knowledge and understanding of this symbiosis process. Our current knowledge establishes that any interruption in the flow of nutrients between symbionts affects this association.  Since phosphorus (P) is one of the essential nutrients in Rhizobium-legume symbiosis, and its limitation affects every aspect of the symbiosis, it is important to understand its function in the symbiosis process. This review will emphasis on the role of P in nodulation and in the functional symbiosis between rhizobia and legumes. 


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How to Cite

S. Al-Niemi, T. (2017). Phosphate Role in the Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis- A Review. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(8), 178–191. Retrieved from


