Stomata Dynamic on All types of Mangrove in Rembang District, Central Java, Indonesia


  • Dafit Ariyanto Departement of Aquaculture, Agricultural Faculty, Asahan University, Jl. A Yani Kisaran, North Sumatera 21224 Indonesia


Mangrove leaves, density stomata, morphology, Rembang district.


Mangrove is vegetation type that can grow on different environment. The anatomy approachment can be used to support physiology and morphology within determine the mangrove capability to adjust environment condition. This purpose research is to identify a characteristic difference in all types of mangroves. Sampels were taken from Banggi Coastal Rembang District Central Java and analyzed in Agronomy and Horticulture Department, Bogor Aqriculture University on August – September 2016. The results showed that the lower of stomata density was 18,84446 /mm2 in Avicennia marina  and the higher of  stomata density was  127,2001/mm2 in Rhizopora apiculata.


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How to Cite

Ariyanto, D. (2018). Stomata Dynamic on All types of Mangrove in Rembang District, Central Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 38(1), 64–69. Retrieved from


