Physics Education in Model of Learning Cycle


  • Rita Destini Faculty of Education, Universitas Muslim Nusantara AW Medan, Indonesia


Teaching Learning Cycle model, learning, improvement, achievement.


Physics Education needs an adapted teaching model. This paper applied a learning model which was designed to strengthen students' knowledge of Physics Education subjects at senior high school in Indonesia. Learning Cycle directs students to the materiasl they that live in and helps them to recall information related to previous information. Research Model Learning Cycle was applied to know the improvement of physics learning outcomes. This research was conducted in class X in the 2nd semester of Public Senior High School 2 Perbaungan in 2016/2017 academic year with the Dynamic Electricity as subject topic. As a tool of data collection, it is used multiple physics test result of students multiple choice as much as 20 questions. Data analysis technique in this research used ttest calculation with tcount > ttable. From this research, it is obtained:  = 14,15 and  = 12,4, s12 = 166,41 and s22 = 163, 84, tcount = 2,97 and ttable = 1,67. Hypothesis test of this research was th > tt that 2,97 > 1,67 then Ha is accepted, it means that there is significant effect from the use of Teaching Learning Cycle model to physics learning outcomes of students of class X Public Senior High School 2 Perbaungan Academic Year 2016/2017.


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How to Cite

Destini, R. (2018). Physics Education in Model of Learning Cycle. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 37(3), 163–172. Retrieved from


