The Overview of Pregnant Women Knowledge on Preeclampsia Disease in Midwifery Polyclinic Adam Malik Hospital 2016


  • Johani Dewita Nasution Nursing Major, Health Polytechnic, Medan, North Sumatera, INDONESIA
  • Indrawati Indrawati Nursing Major, Health Polytechnic, Medan, North Sumatera, INDONESIA
  • Arbani Batubara Nursing Major, Health Polytechnic, Medan, North Sumatera, INDONESIA


Pre-eclampsia Disease, Knowledge.


Pre - eclampsia is a disease that can arise during pregnancy. Lack of knowledge of the people, especially pregnant women about pre - eclampsia resulted in many pregnant women who do not know about the disease. There’re many of pregnant women who have pre - eclampsia even some women died from it. This is a descriptive study with cross sectional design. The samples in this study were 36 people using accidental sampling technique that took respondents who happened to be there. From the research carried out, it showed that pregnant women with high school education had sufficient knowledge of as many as five people (27.8 %). By age, the majority of respondents aged 24-29 have solid knowledge or as many as 7 people (29.1 %). Based on information sources, the majority of respondents received sufficient knowledge from the printed media which is as many as one person (33.3 %). It is expected that health professionals and staffs in Adam Malik Hospital of Midwifery Polyclinic provide an explanation of pre - eclampsia to pregnant women in order to enrich their knowledge on that particular matter.


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How to Cite

Nasution, J. D., Indrawati, I., & Batubara, A. (2018). The Overview of Pregnant Women Knowledge on Preeclampsia Disease in Midwifery Polyclinic Adam Malik Hospital 2016. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 37(3), 150–162. Retrieved from


