Geographical Patterns of HIV AIDS Prevalence in the Paniai Mountain Area, Papua


  • Robby Kayame Institute Study Sosial dan Pastoral Enarotali Paniai, Papua
  • Anwar Mallongi Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar Phine number: + 6282187724636


HIV AIDS, Geographical Pattern, outsite effets, Health survey.


The HIV AIDS Variation in the proportion of individuals living in the Paniai mountain is commonly studied. The potential drivers of such variability might due to the mix habits and traditional culture of those tribes are still not well-understood. This study aimed to examine the local variation in HIV prevalence among the communities who are living in the deep mountain of Paniai Area. The methods used in this study was observational analytic by analyzing Demographic and Health Survey data from health centre in the Paniai mountaian and. We also identified spatial clusters of HIV AIDS in each local tribe areas through a spatial scan statistics analysis. After a geographical cluster was identified, seeking methods of treatment was measures by nterview respondent and were calculated and analyzed. Results: it is identified that the HIV AIDS significantly high numbers were identified and characterized in Moutaian area of Paniai. The variation of the causal factors and traditional also effect from outside demonstrated similar patterns to those observed at the national level. 


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How to Cite

Kayame, R., & Mallongi, A. (2017). Geographical Patterns of HIV AIDS Prevalence in the Paniai Mountain Area, Papua. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(6), 135–144. Retrieved from


