Assessment of the Effectiveness of Dar Es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit (DBRT) System in Tanzania


  • Duwa Hamisi Chengula Mbeya University of Science and Technology, College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Built Environment Engineering. P.o.Box 131 Mbeya, Tanzania
  • Keneth Kombe Mbeya University of Science and Technology, College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Built Environment Engineering. P.o.Box 131 Mbeya, Tanzania


Effectiveness, DBRT, BRT, DART, UDART.


Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit (DBRT) is a high quality bus based transit system that delivers fast, comfortable, and affordable cost. It does this through the provision of dedicated bus lanes and iconic stations aligned to the center of the road, off-board fare collection and regular time schedule operations. For more than fifty years, residents of Dar-es-Salaam city faced public transport problems mainly delays to work due to congestions, frequent vehicle accidents resulting into death, injury, permanent disability and loss of properties. Since 1980s the government of Tanzania struggled to eliminate the transport problems in the city with little success. The DBRT system which started its operation in 2016 has been found to be an effective solution for urban transport problems in the city. This study used questionnaires and interviews to get and analyze responses from households and commuters for the purpose of investigating effectiveness of DBRT system in the city. The study investigated that waiting time for passengers at stations/terminals is reduced to more than 50%, delays in journey is reduced to 60% and savings of fare cost to passengers is 28% compared to previous daladala mode. In order for the DBRT system to be viable life cycle cost and sustainable project there should be connections between DBRT truck roads and arterial roads but also routes to remote areas should be established. In order to serve large group of people the fare price per trip should be adjusted to 77% of the current fare price. 


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How to Cite

Chengula, D. H., & Kombe, K. (2017). Assessment of the Effectiveness of Dar Es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit (DBRT) System in Tanzania. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(8), 10–30. Retrieved from


