Design of Liquid Smoke Pyrolysis on Red Brick Burning in ‘Smoke Village’ (Case Study of Kalipucang Kulon Village-Jepara District)


  • Resa A. Dina Faculty of Public Health, Dipnegoro University, Tembalang, PO Box 1269, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia
  • Dina R. Pangestuti Faculty of Public Health, Dipnegoro University, Tembalang, PO Box 1269, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia
  • A. Suhaeli Fahmi Faculty of Fisheries dan Marine Science, Dipnegoro University, Tembalang, PO Box 1269, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia


air pollution, red brick, ARI, liquid smoke, pyrolysis.


The issue of air pollution has become a global issue that continues to roll as a consequence of modernity and human activity. The high rate of air pollution and increased disease in humans has spawned a new framework of global partnerships for development that can be called the term SDGs or Sustainable Development Goals. Development and economic growth must be balanced with the maintenance of health, welfare and environmental sustainability. Kalipucang Kulon village located in Jepara-Indonesia regency, has the potential of superior product of the village in the form of red brick. More than 80 percent of families or 1,500 households in the village work as red brick artisans. The high production of red brick has caused Kalipucang Kulon Village to be called by residents as smoke village. Burning bricks in the traditional way causes air pollution that has reached dangerous levels. This is evident from the high number of patients with ARI in the village with an average of 180 case findings per month. The development of liquid smoke pyrolysis in red brick combustion process is expected to reduce air pollution, increase revenue from liquid smoke sales, and in the long run can decrease the number of cases of ARI disease.


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How to Cite

A. Dina, R., R. Pangestuti, D., & Fahmi, A. S. (2017). Design of Liquid Smoke Pyrolysis on Red Brick Burning in ‘Smoke Village’ (Case Study of Kalipucang Kulon Village-Jepara District). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(6), 95–104. Retrieved from


