Drop Out of Family Planning Acceptors Based on Contraceptive Methods in Rural and Urban Areas


  • Mufdlilah Mufdlilah Magister of Midwifery Programme, Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Kanthi Aryekti Department Resaearch BKKBN, Representative of BKKBN Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia
  • Reza Bintangdari Johan Magister of Midwifery Programme, Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Desy Purnamasari Magister of Midwifery Programme, Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The rate of family planning drop out in 2012are pills (38,8%), condom (38,3%), injection(23%), IUD (9,9%) and implant(5,7%) while in 2013 are pills(41%), condom(31%), injection(25%), IUD (6%), and implant (8%). Changing method data is 13% and the highest used methods are pills and condom. The data of drop out is unavailable by name and by address. Moreover, there is no specific data of drop out both in province level and regency. Drop out is related to TFR (Total Fertility Rate) in which if there are many reproductive-aged couples, there will be many pregnancy possibility and if the level of birth is high, there will be a high rate of TFR. The study aimed to know the contraveptive methods used in rural and urban areas which cause family planning acceptors’ drop out.The study was a descriptive design. The population of the study were family planning acceptors drop out based on the contraceptive methods. The samples of the study were 100 people drawn by closed and opened questionnaire and were presented in a descriptive form. The Result of this study showed contraceptive method which mostly have been used by acceptors is injective method with 44%. There is no significant difference between Bantul regency as the represenattion of urban areas and Gunung Kidul regency as the representation of rural areas in which most of the respondents use injective method. The usage of injective method in urban areas is 20% and 22% in rural areas. 


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How to Cite

Mufdlilah, M., Aryekti, K., Johan, R. B., & Purnamasari, D. (2017). Drop Out of Family Planning Acceptors Based on Contraceptive Methods in Rural and Urban Areas. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(7), 272–280. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/8404


