Gender Analisis in the Management of Rice, Corn, and Soybean Farming in Banten Province
Rice, Corn, Soybean, Gender.Abstract
The agricultural sector has an important role in development. The existence of a community culture that places women with a particular perspective leads to gender biased in farming activities. The purpose of this research is to analyze the pattern of division of labor and gender relation and the gender gap in Rice, Corn, and Soybean (Pajale) farming. The research was conducted for three months, starting from April to June 2017. The research location in Pandeglang and Lebak regencies is the center of the Pajale plant in Banten Province. The number of samples in this study was 216 farming families (husband and wife). The data collected were processed using Mann Whitney's inferential statistics because the type of data in this research is ordinal and gender gap analysis using the Gender Disparity Index (IPG). The result of this research is there is the difference of pattern of division of labor and gender relation in farmer of men and women and there is the gender gap between male and female farmer. This situation is caused by patriarchal culture in Banten society is still very strong. Conclusion, appropriate extension strategies are needed to ensure that gender equality in their farming can be achieved.
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