Water Availability Analysis in Krueng Aceh Watershed


  • Purwana Satriyo Dapartement of Agriculture Enggineering, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
  • Hidayat Pawitan Department of Geofisika and Meteorologi, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • M Yanuar J Purwanto Department of civil Engineering and Environment, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • Yayat Hidayat Departmen of Soil Science and Land Resour, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia


watershed, Krueng Aceh, water resources, availability.


The main purpose of this present study is to investigate and analyze water availability in Krueng Aceh watershed area. Data were collected from three rainfall observation stations in Aceh province, covered whole Krueng Aceh watershed area. Rainfall data were analyzed using Thiessen polygon method while water availability were estimated using Mock method. As comparison, prediction results were validated and compared with actual measurement using AWLR method. Obtained results showed that rainfall occurred in Krueng Aceh watershed is 1714.57 mm/year with an area of 174 785.79 ha. Moreover, potential evapotranspiration occurring within the Krueng Aceh watershed is 103.7-128.8 mm/month or 3.46-4.48 mm / day with the highest month evapotranspiration is in November at 84.87%. The monthly discharge obtained in the Krueng Aceh watershed using the Mock method in November represent a maximum discharge of 43.35 m3/s and minimum discharge occurred in July, is 3.56 m3/s. The water availability in January was 55 458 043.58 m3, the month of February decreased 43.12% ie 31 547 140.38 m3 until July at 9 533 945.38 m3, in August the water flow increased by 11 991 471.76 m3 until the month of November was 120 151 120.44 m3 . December there was a 16.76% discharge rate of 100 004 811.55 m3.


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How to Cite

Satriyo, P., Pawitan, H., J Purwanto, M. Y., & Hidayat, Y. (2017). Water Availability Analysis in Krueng Aceh Watershed. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(4), 113–122. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/8275


