Effectiveness of Giving Putri Malu Leaf (Mimosa pudica Linn) and Kangkung Leaf (Ipomoea reptans) in Overcoming Insomnia on Pre-menapousal Women


  • Lela Hartini Department of Midwifery, Bengkulu Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Jl.Indra Giri No.3 Padang Harapan Bengkulu, 38225, INDONESIA
  • Elvi Destariyani Department of Midwifery, Bengkulu Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Jl.Indra Giri No.3 Padang Harapan Bengkulu, 38225, INDONESIA
  • Serilaila Serilaila Department of Midwifery, Bengkulu Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Jl.Indra Giri No.3 Padang Harapan Bengkulu, 38225, INDONESIA
  • Mariati Mariati Department of Midwifery, Bengkulu Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Jl.Indra Giri No.3 Padang Harapan Bengkulu, 38225, INDONESIA
  • Sri Yanniarti Department of Midwifery, Bengkulu Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Jl.Indra Giri No.3 Padang Harapan Bengkulu, 38225, INDONESIA
  • Ismiati Ismiati Department of Midwifery, Bengkulu Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Jl.Indra Giri No.3 Padang Harapan Bengkulu, 38225, INDONESIA
  • Tonny C. Maigoda Department of Nutrition, Bengkulu Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Jl.Indra Giri No.3 Padang Harapan Bengkulu, 38225, INDONESIA


Pre-menapouse women, Insomnia, Putri Malu Leave, and Kangkung Leave.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder in the form of repetitive difficulty to sleep or maintain sleep with symptoms always feel tired throughout the day. Insomnia increases in women aged 44-45 years due to decrease estrogen and progesterone level in the body especially gets worse during menopause. This study was intended to know the effectiveness of giving Putri Malu leave (Mimosa pudica Linn) and Kankung Leave (Ipomoea reptans) in overcoming insomnia for pre menapouse women in Bengkulu City 2016. There were 40 pre menapouse women divided by two groups, 20 women were given boiled water of  putri malu leave  (Mimosa pudica Linn) and another 20 women were given boiled water kangkung leave (Ipomoea reptans). The average length of sleep per day in pre-menopausal women who consumed Putri Malu leaf (Mimosa pudica Linn) had longer than women   who consumed Kangkung leaf (Ipomoea reptans). The effectiveness differences among women  who consumed putri malu leaf (Mimosa pudica Linn) were seen from day 1 to day 7 with p = 0,00. While in the group of women who consumed kangkung leaf (Ipomoea reptans) did not significantly  approved (p> 0.05) in overcoming insomnia.


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How to Cite

Hartini, L., Destariyani, E., Serilaila, S., Mariati, M., Yanniarti, S., Ismiati, I., & C. Maigoda, T. (2017). Effectiveness of Giving Putri Malu Leaf (Mimosa pudica Linn) and Kangkung Leaf (Ipomoea reptans) in Overcoming Insomnia on Pre-menapousal Women. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(4), 105–112. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/8264


