The Analyzes of Handling of Bad-Character officials to Corruption Level Toward spublic Officials in the Framework of "Gone Theory" in Provincedki Jakarta and West Java


  • Abubakar Iskandar State Administration Study Program, Djuanda University, Bogor Indonesia
  • Denny Hernawan State Administration Study Program, Djuanda University, Bogor Indonesia


handling, public officials, mental, corruption.


Corruption in Indonesia is very widespread and  becomes a social phenomenon that occurs in public officials. The phenomenon becomes a major problem because corruption is very influential on domestic investment, economic growth and poverty. The purposes of the research are: to analyze the level of corruption public officials, to describe the way to handle corruption public officials, and to formulate the models and strategies to handle corruption public officials. The method used survey, and the approach used descriptive qualitative and development. The Informants in the research were related sources (from KPK, Police, Attorney, Court and others in DKI and West Java). They are 60 people each 30 people. The Corruption Public officials data were accessed through the Central KPK Website. They are 228 cases in DKI Jakarta and 136 cases in West Java. Each Province was taken 60 cases, so the total was 120 cases. The data collected were primary and secondary data. The Data analyzes were content analysis through data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results showed that Officials who commit corruption were officials whose good salary, but they were not satisfied with their salary. The life necessities are used to be standard, but they were influenced by neighbors, peers and the influence of family and social environment, the public officials must find additional income by committing a criminal act of corruption.


The lack of involvement of public officials in relation to ritual involvement is to attend rituals in church, temple, mosque, prayer, fasting and others. Ideological involvement believes the existence of the judgment day, heaven, hell, angels and others. Intellectual involvement demands public officials to follow religious teachings, reading religious books, reading al-Kitab / Al-Qur'an and others. Being actively listening to the rochani in radio, television, priest, pastor, ustadz, kyai and others, involvement of consequences requires an understanding of a sinful act and it is believed that the act will be tortured from God after they passed away such as: corruption, gambling, adultery and others, and the involvement of experience is reflecting or feeling prayer accepted by God. For example, they have experienced free from jail because of corruption and others because of help from God. In addition it has a weak moral that cannot distinguish the behavior of right / wrong according to ethics, religion, law, and etiquette. The conclusions of the research are: Public officials' level corruption is influenced by the nature of the skills, opportunities and needs of the official, the lack of public relations involvement of Public Officials, the weak moral of Public Officials The operandi mode of Public Officials to commit corruption is bribery, taking the state's money illegally (harming the state by enriching itself), blocking the process of settling corruption, etc. and it can formulate models and strategies through preventive strategies, detective strategies and repressive strategies.


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How to Cite

Iskandar, A., & Hernawan, D. (2017). The Analyzes of Handling of Bad-Character officials to Corruption Level Toward spublic Officials in the Framework of "Gone Theory" in Provincedki Jakarta and West Java. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(4), 222–243. Retrieved from


