Development of Mentoring Model through Social Engineering to Improve Quality of Lifestyles of Leprosy Patients


  • Haeruddin Haeruddin Public Health of Muslim University, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Andi Rizki Amelia Public Health of Muslim University, Makassar, Indonesia


social engineering, living standard of leprosy patients.


Stigma and discrimination often inhibit early leprosy detection, treatment in patients, and treatment of medical problems experienced by patients or people who have had leprosy, therefore in the effort to eliminate stigma and discrimination required a strong motivation and commitment both from sufferers and society. Because of that researcher is interested to create a model of assistance through social engineering so that the community of lepers who experience discrimination can interact with the community. The type of this study was qualitative research using descriptive approach which is how to tell the reality of the daily life of lepers with 11 informants. Result: For the objective and subjective reality of society there is still a justification of the statement that the lepers as a cursed person, it is constituted by several things including the information possessed by the community. For the leprosy public services, the lepers feel uncomfortable and humiliated because all of the people in the examination room will know the disease, especially if gender-biased health workers provide advice relating to their status. Therefore it is not surprising that leprosy patients choose not to come to the health center or they choose a health center in other villages where people do not know about them, due to limited funds. While for the acceptance of families to leprosy patients play a role in the healing process of leprosy patients, home conditions based on temperature, lighting and ventilation is stated that the whole house of leprosy patients being sampled is unqualified while for ventilation according to informants that most ventilation is also unqualified. This can be influenced by some requirement, especially socio-economic factor because almost all informants have social economy problem, where they prefer the need for food to live.

Conclusion: It is very difficult to be able to interact normally with the community. This is because of the lack of confidence and the stigma that is inherent in the community that leprosy is an infectious and dangerous disease. While for public services, the same thing is felt by former leprosy patients that it is difficult for accessing health services because not all health services are willing to accept former leprosy patients to come for treatment. The factor that exacerbates their condition is economic factor that causes the former lepers to live close together in a slum location and this causes the easy growth of leprae mycobacterium because of the density of occupancy so that air circulation and lighting is not good


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How to Cite

Haeruddin, H., & Amelia, A. R. (2017). Development of Mentoring Model through Social Engineering to Improve Quality of Lifestyles of Leprosy Patients. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 35(3), 210–217. Retrieved from


