Determination of Keystone Species that Influences the Diversity of Birds Species in the Land of Reclamation and Revegetation of Post-Coal Mining


  • Soegiharto S. Pascasarjana Student, Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity, Faculty of Forestry, IPB
  • Ervizal. A. M. Zuhud Lecture, Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity, IPB
  • Y. Setiadi Lecture, Forest Ecology Department, Faculty of Forestry, IPB
  • Burhanuddin Masyud Lecture, Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity, IPB


Birds diversity, Index Shannon.


Restoration of biodiversity is one of the successful assessments in the ecological restoration efforts on reclamation and revegetation land. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between fauna diversity and role of vegetation as a producer. The selected fauna included bird species and the selected vegetation included the fast growing plant of revegetation as well as the lower vegetation growing among the staple crops. The analysis used was DCCA for sub-factor of bird species, shrub species and vegetation role clusters as fauna food producers. The result of the analysis shows that the highest Index Shannon in H4 (Sengon-rambutan) habitat and in H9 habitat (Oil Palm) is 2.33, while the lowest index is in H1 that is only one bird species. The species richness from the lowest to the highest is in H1 (Akasia-plantan [-]), H10 (Ponds [0.6]), H5 (Trembesi-johar [0.86]), H6 (Karamunting-shrubs [0.95]), H11 (Fern-Rice [1.36]), H7 (Sengon-karamunting [1.85]), H2 (Akasia-karamunting [1.94]), H8 (Rubber [2.01]), H9 (Oil Palm [ 2.30]), and H4 (Sengon-rambutan [2.33]). H6 and H11 have a better visible kind of richness than the P3 & P8 factors. H5 is more closely influenced by P2 factor. H2, H7 and H9 are strongly influenced by P6 and P7, H8 and H3 are strongly influenced by P4 and are weakly affected by P2 and P1. H4 is strongly influenced by P1 and less influenced by P4.


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How to Cite

S., S., Zuhud, E. A. M., Setiadi, Y., & Masyud, B. (2017). Determination of Keystone Species that Influences the Diversity of Birds Species in the Land of Reclamation and Revegetation of Post-Coal Mining. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 35(3), 337–347. Retrieved from


