Dani Tribe Culture in Implementing Family Planning Program in Jayawijaya District Papua Province (Case Study)


  • Saparuddin Latu Doctoral Student, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  • Indar Indar Department of Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  • Alimin Maidin Department of Management Administration Hospital, Faculty of Public Health, University of Hasanuddin, Indonesia
  • Darmawansyah Darmawansyah Department of Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia


Culture, Family Planning, Implementation, Participation, Communication, Dani Tribe.


This study aims to explore and find Dani Culture in implementing Family Planning program and the factors that influence it in Jayawijaya Regency Papua Province. The research method used is qualitative research (Rapid Ethnography Assessment) by conducted interviews with 16 informants. Selection of informants by snowball sampling, data collection using In-depth Interview method, observation, document review, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Data analysis using interactive model. The results showed that family planning in Dani culture that has been implemented and actualized in their daily life from generation to generation, among others: the belief in the principle of life; Marriage according to customary law (Inyagugi apik), relation value (Nege), dividing value, loyalty value, work value (Yabu). The principle of firmness and obedience to customary orders has been carried on for generations with the customary government system (Klen). Wesakun leads religious ceremonies using sacred objects. The customary law that is practiced effectively has a direct or indirect relationship through decision-making behavior. The views of child and sex values ??on the variables between the first marriage age and the selection of spouses in the Dani Tribe Society.

The involvement of government and cross-sectors in the development of community participation in conducting effective programs and communication on Family Planning and population is one of the approaches that can be developed to overcome the problem of birth control and quality of Human Resources for the improvement of life quality of Dani tribe society.


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How to Cite

Latu, S., Indar, I., Maidin, A., & Darmawansyah, D. (2017). Dani Tribe Culture in Implementing Family Planning Program in Jayawijaya District Papua Province (Case Study). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 35(3), 199–209. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/7980


