Developing the Listening Ability of Students


  • AL-Dulaimi Hassan Khlebus Univeristy of Bucharest, Faculty of Pyschology and Educational Sciences, Bucharest,Romania, Ministry of Education (Iraqi)
  • Univ Prof. Dr. Ecaterina Vrasmas Univeristy of Bucharest, Faculty of Pyschology and Educational Sciences, Bucharest,Romania


Listening skills, language learners, listening practice.


The aim of this paper is to point out the benefits of being a good listener, while clarifying the distinction between listening and hearing and analyzing the benefits of being a good listener. Listening skills developed by students can improve their school results and can help them achieve their goals easier, as it will be shown according to the latest research.


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How to Cite

Khlebus, A.-D. H., & Vrasmas, U. P. D. E. (2017). Developing the Listening Ability of Students. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 35(3), 194–198. Retrieved from


