Use of Figure Tools to Increase Mathematics Result Learning Student Class V Prymary School 101796 Patumbak


  • Ita Novelly Br Ginting Graduate Student of the State University of Medan
  • Edy Surya Lecturer for Graduate Student of the State University of Medan


Learning Outcomes, Viewer Tool.


The problem in this research is the result of learning mathematics students less than the maximum. This study aims to investigate the implementation of teaching and student learning outcomes after learning improvements implemented by using props in Mathematics. The instrument used was a test in the form of description is limited to the cognitive level C2 and observation sheet that is for the activities of teachers and students' activity during the learning process. The results showed that the first cycle of the implementation of learning activities of teachers is 41 (68.33%) and student activity reached 24 (66.66%) with unfavorable category, on the second cycle increased to 53 (88.33%) in the activity of teachers and 32 (88.89%) in the student activity by either category. While the results of the average student's score on the first cycle of 58.50 increased to 71.27 in the second cycle. The result showed that the implementation of learning has been included in good category and mathematics learning outcomes improved after use of props on the subject of the sum of fractions mixture.


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How to Cite

Br Ginting, I. N., & Surya, E. (2017). Use of Figure Tools to Increase Mathematics Result Learning Student Class V Prymary School 101796 Patumbak. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 34(1), 247–260. Retrieved from


