Impact Hemodialysis Treatment Therapy for Patients with Renal Failure Based on Cost Effectiveness Analysis


  • Robert V Philips Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University
  • Alimin Maidin Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University
  • Veni Hadju Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University
  • Burhanuddin Bahar Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University


Kidney Failure, Hemodialysis, Cost Effectiveness Analysis.


Although the treatment of patients with renal failure using hemodialysis services is not as expensive as kidney transplant, but because it has to be done continuously the cost of this treatment becomes very expensive. Cost analysis is required to know all the details of the costs to be incurred and used. Hemodialysis service unit is one of the services that is quite expensive, because it is influenced the price of medical supplies, drugs and consumables. Meanwhile, along with the increasing number of patients with kidney failure, the number of dialysis patients more and more. The problem that occurs today is when the number of patients and facilities are limited, so many patients who have to queue for dialysis. Because these limitations are difficult to overcome by the ability of government and community funding, the use of resources should be as efficient as possible. This study to determine the impact of treatment therapy patients who experience kidney failure hemodialysis based on cost effectiveness analysis approach. This study is an analytical study to see the therapy of patients undergoing hemodialysis with body mass index of patients with renal failure. This research has been done in unit hemodialysis RSWS UNHAS Makassar, by using sampling technique consecutive sampling counted 60 respondents. Variables in this study were age, sex, frequency of hemodialysis, body mass index and long undergoing hemodialysis. Through CEA financing handling for patients with renal failure who perform hemodialysis actions can effectively have a positive impact. This is because cost-effectiveness analysis or CEA is a method designed to compare health outcomes and costs used to implement programs or interventions with other alternatives that produce the same outcomes.


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How to Cite

V Philips, R., Maidin, A., Hadju, V., & Bahar, B. (2017). Impact Hemodialysis Treatment Therapy for Patients with Renal Failure Based on Cost Effectiveness Analysis. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 33(3), 320–334. Retrieved from


