Efforts to Increase Student Learning Results with Cooperative Learning Type Learning Model Think Pair Share on the Cube and Beams Materials in Class VIII SMP Kartika I-1 Medan


  • Fadhilah Syam Nasution Student of Graduate Program School, State University of Medan, Indonesia
  • Edy Surya Lecturer, Graduate Program School, State University of Medan, Indonesia


Student Learning Outcomes, Cooperative Learning, Learning Model, Think Pair Share, Cube and Beams.


This study aims to improve student learning outcomes through the application of cooperative learning model Think Pair Share (TPS) on the material of the cube and beam in class VIII SMP Kartika I-1 Medan. This research is a collaborative and participative action research class (PTK) conducted in 3 cycles consisting of 3 meetings. The subject of this study were 30 students in grade VIII SMP Kartika I-1 Medan. Data collection is done by observation and test. The result of the research shows that learning mathematics with cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share (TPS) can improve student learning result on cube and beam material. This is indicated by the increase in cycle I, namely the number of students who completed as many as 17 people with classical completeness of 56.7%. In cycle II, the total number of complete students is 23 people with classical completeness equal to 76,6% and cycle III, total number of complete student is 26 people with classical completeness equal to 86,7%. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share (TPS) can improve the ability of logical, critical and systematic thinking in solving mathematical problems so as to improve student learning outcomes.


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How to Cite

Nasution, F. S., & Surya, E. (2017). Efforts to Increase Student Learning Results with Cooperative Learning Type Learning Model Think Pair Share on the Cube and Beams Materials in Class VIII SMP Kartika I-1 Medan. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 33(3), 280–290. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/7466


