A Study of Dynamic Spatial Model Zonation-Based Land Suitability For Sustainable Management of Ambon


  • Sahalah Hutabarat Departement Fishery and Oceanography Diponegoro University , Semarang Indonesia
  • Pieter Th Berhitu Doctoral Program Coastal resources Manajemen, Diponegoro University, Semarang Indonesia
  • Supriharyono Supriharyono Departement Fishery and Oceanography Diponegoro University , Semarang Indonesia
  • Djoko Suprapto Departement Fishery and Oceanography Diponegoro University , Semarang Indonesia


Model, dynamic spatial, zonation, Ambon.


The sustainable management of coastal resources with zonation-based using dynamic spatial approach aims to study how the relationship between dynamic approach and land suitability and land carrying capacity can be used to evaluate sustainable management of coastal area in Ambon. This research was conducted in 4 districts around coastal area of Ambon. The result of this research proves that the land suitability of coastal area in Ambon is in the category of S2, with N score = 61,1% which is the area that can be developed with particular conditions such as spatial utilization control and regional structuring. Dynamic relationship model is carried out based on four main studied indicators which are covered land sub model, ecology sub model, economy sub model, and social sub model. The alteration rate of forest covered land during 2005 - 2015 was decreasing as large as 71,6 ha, opened land as large as 94 ha, mixed garden as large as 184 ha, meanwhile the settlement area was increasing as large as 355 ha. The dynamic model result explains that the alteration rate of forest covered land for the past 10 years from 2005


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How to Cite

Hutabarat, S., Th Berhitu, P., Supriharyono, S., & Suprapto, D. (2017). A Study of Dynamic Spatial Model Zonation-Based Land Suitability For Sustainable Management of Ambon. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 34(2), 222–232. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/7117


