Determinants Factors Associated with Acceptors Family Planning Program among Fertile Age Couple People Arfak in the District South Manokwari


  • Prawati Yunita Ahoren Master postgraduate program, School of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura
  • A. L. Rantetampang Postgraduate Progman, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih Unversity, Papua
  • Basa Rumahorbo Postgraduate Progman, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih Unversity, Papua


determinant factor of family planning acceptors society Arfak.


Indonesia is a country whose population is in the fourth position of the world, the growth rate is still relatively high. The population of Indonesia by the year 2010 is 237.6 million, with the population growth rate of 1.40% per year. While the West Papua provincial total population in 2015 was 225 588 inhabitants with a population growth rate of 16.78% per annum. Manokwari South is a new district carved out of Manokwari Regency, and the total population in 2015 ie 21 436 inhabitants by the number of couples of childbearing age are 3725 and FP is active in 2015 only 43% achieved the target DHO Manokwari South is 78%. Objective: To determine the relationship between maternal education level, maternal knowledge, culture, the role of health workers, support the husband, the mother's age and the type of work women with acceptors of family planning programs in couples of childbearing age Arfak community in South Manokwari district. Methods: cross sectional approach, the research was conducted in the clinic Oransbari South Manokwari District. The study was conducted in November to early December 2016. The sample was Arfak society couples of childbearing age. Data obtained from the questionnaire and analyzed using chi square Results.

The variables related to that culture with acceptors of family planning programs in couples of childbearing age society Arfak Manokwari District South (? value 0.000; Ratio Prevalence (RP) amounted to 0,384 with a confidence interval of 95%) while the variable that is not related to the acceptors of family planning programs partner Age fertile community Arfak is the mother's education level (? value 0.830; RP amounted to 1.096), mother knowledge (? value 0.640; RP amounted to 10.704), the role of health workers (? value 0.995; RP amounted to 4.200), the support of her husband (? value 1,000 ; RP amounted to 14.167), maternal age (? value 0.429; RP amounted to 1,357), the type of work (? value 0.784; RP amounted to 4,565).


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How to Cite

Ahoren, P. Y., Rantetampang, A. L., & Rumahorbo, B. (2017). Determinants Factors Associated with Acceptors Family Planning Program among Fertile Age Couple People Arfak in the District South Manokwari. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 32(1), 50–63. Retrieved from


