Satisfaction Analysis of Outpatient Services to National Health Insurance Program in the Pratama Hospitals Supiori District Papua Province


  • Dominggus N. Sani Postgraduate Master Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Papua
  • A. L. Rantetampang Chief Postgraduate Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Papua
  • Agus Zainuri Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Papua


Satisfaction of Outpatient, Patient JKN.


Improved access for the public in order to ensure that the efforts of personal health services that provide inpatient, outpatient, emergency, and other supporting services. To get health insurance better and thorough, the government issued a health insurance, so that it can be felt by all walks of life and can improve patient satisfaction. Hospitals type D Primaries only provide care services Grade 3 (three) to increase access for the public in order to guarantee health care efforts and a proper assessment of satisfaction in Primary Hospital District Hospital Supiori which is just eight years old. Objective of this research was to analyze knowledgeable Patient Satisfaction Analysis Of Service Quality of the National Health Insurance Program in Primary Hospital District Supiori. Methods: The study was cross sectional descriptive analytic study. The study was conducted in September 28 to the October 28, 2016 at the Pratama Hospital Supiori District. Population of the patient as many as 210 people. The data were obtained using a questionnaire and analyzed using chi square test and binary logistic regression. Result indicated that patient satisfaction at room Outpatient Pratama Hospital in Supiori Disticti based on physical evidence (tangible) is not satisfied (50%) and satisfied (50%), based on the reliability (reliability) is not satisfied (48.6%) and satisfied (51, 4%), based on the responsiveness (responsiveness) is not satisfied (55.7%) and satisfied (44.3%), based on the guarantee (assurance) is not satisfied (59.5%) and satisfied (40.5%) and by concern (empathy) are not satisfied (47.6%) and satisfied (52.4%).

There is a relationship between satisfaction of outpatients is based on the dimensions of physical evidence (tangible) (p-value 0.000), the dimensions of reliability (tangible) (p-value 0.005), dimensions of responsiveness (responsiveness) (p-value 0.005), the dimensions of the guarantee (assurance) (p-value 0.000) and the dimensions of concern (empathy) (p-value 0.001) against the national health care insurance program of the Outpatient in Pratama Hospital Supiori District.


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How to Cite

N. Sani, D., Rantetampang, A. L., & Zainuri, A. (2017). Satisfaction Analysis of Outpatient Services to National Health Insurance Program in the Pratama Hospitals Supiori District Papua Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 31(3), 329–345. Retrieved from


