Analysis of HIV / AIDS Patients Service Management in Paniai Hospital, Paniai, Papua


  • Agus Agus Postgraduate Master Progman, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Paniai Cq. Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Paniai
  • A. L. Rantetampang Postgraduate Master Progman, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih Unversity, Papua
  • Arry Pongtiku Postgraduate Master Progman, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih Unversity, Papua
  • Yermia Msen Postgraduate Master Progman, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih Unversity, Papua


Management, HIV / AIDS, Hospitalization.


Clinical Voluntary Counseling Testing (VCT) was established in 2009 in hospitals Paniai Papua. VCT Clinic Hospital Papua Paniai aims to prevent and break the chain of transmission of HIV, screening and early diagnosis, ongoing counseling, as well as preventing the transmission of HIV infection from mother to child. VCT is also becoming more access to management for people with HIV, either the antiretroviral drugs, prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections, and the treatment of HIV infection holistically. Objective: The identification of patient care management of HIV / AIDS in patient wards of hospitals Paniai Papua Province. Mixed Methods ie qualitative and quantitative research. The quantitative data obtained from medical records of 287 patients with HIV-AIDS hospitalizations in 2014-2016. The qualitative data obtained from interviews with key informants were 13 people selected by purposive sampling and analyzed descriptively. Characteristics of patients with HIV / AIDS are the patients most aged 25-49 years (54%), female gender (56%), high school (26%), not working (54%), risk factors for heterosexual (74%), tuberculosis coinfection (46%), duration of treatment ARV therapy for less than 1 year (57%), non-compliance with taking medication (61.1%), length of stay of 1-5 days (48%), stage III (65%), CD4 <200 mg (55%), the difference in the payment of fees at the rate parties BPJS RS Rp. 764 715 036.

Inputs include human resources, facilities, infrastructure in the service of HIV / AIDS patients in hospitals Paniai accordance Hospital classification type D. Sources of funds from DAU (General Allocation Fund), DAK (Special Allocation Fund), Papua Health Card (KPS) as well as the Public Service Board (BLUD). Optimal service process is already running with the service flow and SOP examination and treatment of HIV. Output inpatient care including HIV / AIDS patients were optimal given by SPM (Minimum Service Standards) Hospital Health Ministerial Decree No. 129 of 2008, but the level of customer satisfaction has not yet reached the target set at only 70%.


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How to Cite

Agus, A., Rantetampang, A. L., Pongtiku, A., & Msen, Y. (2017). Analysis of HIV / AIDS Patients Service Management in Paniai Hospital, Paniai, Papua. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 31(3), 231–245. Retrieved from


