Conservation and Sustainable Use of Gaharu Producing Plants


  • Rima Herlina Forest Faculty University of Papua, Manokwari Papua Barat Indonesia, 98314
  • Setiawati Siburian Forest Faculty University of Papua, Manokwari Papua Barat Indonesia, 98314


Agarwood, conservation, silviculture.


Agarwood is the elite non timber commodity forest products that have had a potency as an industrial raw material. Family Thymeleaceae is a family of plant potential to produce aloes. In their natural habitats and on woodland plant, not all kinds of these would yield aloes. It was estimated that only about 10 percent that are able produce aloes resin. But the price agarwood product is high so intense hunting of these plants resulted in a number of species of the family of this making on the criteria nearly extinct according to cites criteria. Due to the reason, it has been thought there should be technique cultivation of the aloes crop properly so that in nature they would exist. Besides that there should be policies regulation on its trade and the use of these plants to ensure the availability of agarwood products.


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How to Cite

Herlina, R., & Siburian, S. (2017). Conservation and Sustainable Use of Gaharu Producing Plants. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 32(1), 238–246. Retrieved from


