The Effect of Legume and Non Legume to the Sandalwood (Santalum Album, Linn.) Growth in Timor Leste


  • Gomes D. Doctorate in Agriculture Science, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
  • Adnyana Adnyana Professor in Agriculture Faculty, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia


Host, Legum, Non Legum, Sesbania, Cajanus, Casuarina, Alternanthera, Plant distance, Configuration, Entisol.


The results of phase II studies also show a spacing and host significant effect on the formation of haustorium more on the roots of seedlings sandalwood with a host of Alternanthera sp at a distance of 10 cm (28 per plant roots) (J2AS2), host Casuarina junghuniana with a distance of 10 cm (20 per root crops) (J2AS2), host Sesbania grandifora with a distance of 5 cm (23 per root) (J1SG1), Cajanus cajan at a spacing of 5 cm 19.97 cm (J1CC2). High sandalwood with host Alternanthera sp plant at a distance of 5 cm (J1SG1) 48.94 cm, the host Casuarina junghuniana at a distance of 5 cm (J2CJ2) (47.03 cm), Cajanus cajan at a distance of 5 cm with a height of 45.03 cm (J1CC). Diameter sandalwood with a host Alternanthera sp plant at a distance of 15 cm (J3AS1) 1.39 cm, the host Casuarina junghuniana at a distance of 10 cm (1.30 cm) (J2CJ2), Cajanus cajan at a distance of 5 cm with a height of 1.29 cm (J1CC), Sesbania grandifora at a distance of 5 cm with a height of 1.29 cm (J1CC), control with a value of 0.98 cm (J0SA). Number of sandalwood with the host plant leaves of Alternanthera sp at a distance of 5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm are the same ie 16 leaves, evergreen host (14 leaves), Cajanus cajan and Sesbania grandifora (12 leaves) and control (10 leaves). The results of the phase III study, showed that the legume host plants not significantly affect the formation, height, stem diameter at the age of 60 HSP, HSP 90, HSP 150 and 180 HSP. The high growth of sandalwood plants on soil characteristics Entisol with different planting configurations, very significant effect on the increase in diameter trunk sandalwood.

Based on these results it can be concluded that the use of legume host is not very good to be used as a primary or secondary host for the growth of sandalwood. Legume host type to the type of Sesbania grandifora was not suitable to host a nursery or primary host and configuration planting did not affect the growth of sandalwood.

Sandalwood plants today are very rare, because the host is not suitable for hemi parasite to supply nutrients for growth. Number of hosts that many will cause growth disorders. Excellence is hosted sandalwood seedlings are growing faster, growing roots, and get sufficient supply of N and Ca, which can not be met if no host. The contribution of individual nutrients from the host plant to plant sandalwood would be better if planted more than one type of host plant. This research was conducted in three stages, from August 2015 through July 2016. Phase I done to establish the area of ??selection germination and sandalwood conducted over 3 weeks. Phase II trial of treatment is host legume and non legume, a spacing of 5, 10 and 15 cm, using a randomized block design (RCBD) with factorial 3 replications. Factors treatment plant spacing consists of three levels ie J1 = 5 cm, J2 = 10 cm and J3 = 15 cm as well as a control (sandalwood without a host) as a comparison and treatment factors host legume (Sesbania grandiflora and Cajanus cajan) and non legume (Alternanthera sp and Casuarina junghuniana ). Phase III is the field planting experiment designed by the RCBD 3 replications with factorial 2 factors. The first factor is the plant configuration with 3 levels, namely: 2 host, the host 4, and 6 host. The second factor is the characteristics of the soil at the planting site that is ground Entisol sandalwood.


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How to Cite

D., G., & Adnyana, A. (2017). The Effect of Legume and Non Legume to the Sandalwood (Santalum Album, Linn.) Growth in Timor Leste. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 32(1), 207–237. Retrieved from


