Selection of Simple Healthy Latrine Technology, Study Case Gubeng District, Surabaya, Indonesia


  • Intan Permata Laksmi Pertiwi Department of Environmental Engineering,Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,Surabaya-60111, Indonesia
  • Eddy Setiadi Soedjono Department of Environmental Engineering,Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,Surabaya-60111, Indonesia


Open Defecation, Surabaya, Technology, Toilet, sanitation.


Indonesia is one of the emerging countries still have problems regarding sanitation, particularly the behavior of Open Defecation (OD). Indonesia should be able to achieve 100% access to clean water sources are safe and proper sanitation facilities, in accordance with the target on universal access in 2019. The behavior of OD is not only done by people who live in rural areas, but also in major cities such as the city of Surabaya. One of the District who still behave OD Gubeng is located near the central city of Surabaya. Based on reports from Health center of Mojo and Pucang Sewu, there are 486 families who behave OD. This study aims to assess the option/choice of sanitation technology in accordance with the environmental and social conditions. The scope of this research includes location research is in Gubeng District, Option technology of latrine reference from research study Ministry of Health and Ministry of Public work Indonesia. Methods of data collection research conducted with questionnaires, interviews and field observations. Once the required data is collected, and then do the data processing that generates data on the environmental and social conditions associated with sanitation behavior. From the results of processing such data, and then do the selection of appropriate sanitation technology options to be applied and recommended to the public so that people can quickly establish a healthy latrine and leaving the OD behavior. Conditions in Gubeng is predominantly low income (below standard income in Surabaya), giving rise to economic problems.

Besides the environmental conditions in which the distribution of the houses that behaves OD is near a river or drainage channels, making it easier for people to behave OD. Options/sanitation technology options that can be recommended is the sanitation technology that is cheap, safe and comfortable. In some of the literature and the results of field observations, there are an option sanitation technologies appropriate to the problems in Gubeng, namely toilet options 3-1 type which in terms of price only cost about Rp 1,500,000. In addition, the depth of 3-1-type septic tank is 1.5 m, which means a more robust and potentially eroded by streams or drainage.



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How to Cite

Pertiwi, I. P. L., & Soedjono, E. S. (2017). Selection of Simple Healthy Latrine Technology, Study Case Gubeng District, Surabaya, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 31(2), 75–91. Retrieved from


