Trade Liberalization and Economic Welfare: A Case of Pakistan


  • Saima Zia Bachelor Student, 2Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Hina Amir Assistant Professor, 2Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Sana Iftikhar PhD Scholar, Department of Economics, National College of Business Administration & Economics (NCBA&E), Lahore, Pakistan
  • Kanwal Bilal Lecturer, Department of Energy Research ?enter, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Lahore, Pakistan


trade liberalization, economic welfare, long-run and short-run analysis, Granger Causality.


Trade liberalization has now become the main focus of the literature as it is considered as the contributor of economic growth and welfare. The previous literature showed an overall positive impact of trade liberalization on the economy except for few studies; recommend adopting trade liberalizing policies. Whereas in case of developing country like Pakistan, major part of the literature showed positive impact of trade liberalization on the economy. This study examines the impact and relationship of trade liberalization and economic welfare in case of Pakistan.

The variables used in the study are; gross domestic product recorded in millions of rupees as a dependent variable, whereas balance of trade is taken as a proxy of trade liberalization as an independent variable along with foreign direct investment, worker


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How to Cite

Zia, S., Amir, H., Iftikhar, S., & Bilal, K. (2017). Trade Liberalization and Economic Welfare: A Case of Pakistan. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 31(1), 75–100. Retrieved from


