Factors Affecting the Recurrence of Tuberculosis in Health Makassar South Sulawesi


  • Baharuddin K Nursing Department of the Ministry of Health Poltekkes Makassar South Sulawesi


relapsed, Lungs, Tuberculosis, Health Centre.


Background, Recurrence of disease Tuberculosis (Relapse Process) will carry a high risk of wives, husbands, children, or people who live at home with the patient and or healthy people who are nearby. Tuberculosis patients who relapse can transmit Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which has been resistant to treatment of pulmonary TB and even make Mycobacterium resistant to treatment. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which otherwise resistant to treatment of TB will require very expensive treatment costs and longer time in its handling. The aim of this study. to examine the factors in the families of patients who stated "Relapse Return (Relapse)" from tuberculosis who had suffered and had stated earlier recovered from his illness. Tuberculosis recurrence factor becomes very interesting and important to investigate and found the factors in order to break the chain of recurrence prevalence of negatively affecting the incidence of resistance to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis tehadap. The observational method with Case Control Study approach used in this study, where the risk factors studied retrospectively. The sample in this study berjulah 126 respondents consisting of TB cases (relapsed) totaled 42 respondent is subject to the characteristics of the positive effects and control (Non relapsed) totaled 84 respondents are subject to characteristic negative effects. Temuanada Effect of education, level of knowledge, drinking


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Note: Penelitian ini dijamin keasliannya, karena peneliti sendiri yang melakukan dari bulan Juni 2016 s/d 30 September 2016.




How to Cite

K, B. (2016). Factors Affecting the Recurrence of Tuberculosis in Health Makassar South Sulawesi. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 30(3), 237–247. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/6607


