Behavior Model Analysis and Risk Factors of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Transmission of Honai Residents in Wamena, Jayawijaya District, Papua


  • Frans Manangsang Doctoral Study Program, Medical Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
  • Arsunan A. A Epidemiology Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
  • Mochammad Hatta Molecular Microbiology Department, Medical Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
  • Andi Armyn Nurdin Medical Community Deaprtment, Hasanuddin University, Makassar


Honai, behavior, environment, education, income, actions.


Pulmonary tuberculosis treatment success rate in Indonesia is 74%, Gorontalo Province is the highest success of treatment with (96%), whereas the treatment of pulmonary TB in Papua province was only reached of 24%. The study took place in Wamena Jayawijaya Papua Province that aims to identify: (1) the relationship of demographic factors, (2) socioeconomic factors, (3) behavioral factors, (4) the nutritional status, (5) the physical environment of the house to the transmission of pulmonary TB in the community dwellers Honai Jayawijaya Wamena in Papua Province. This study is observational analytic with Case Control studies design. The sample consisted of 58 respondents, the sampling process was done by purposive sampling. Results revealed that positive BTA mostly in the age range of 21-40 years (p = 0.292), 55% positive at primary and secondary school education (p = 0.019), OR = 9.292, IK 95% (1.432 to 60.284). A total of 69.0% were positive on the job of farmer (p = 0.410), OR = 0.46, IK95% (0.073 to 2.917). A total of 69.0% expenditure <IDR. 290.000 (p = 0,023) and OR = 6.659, IK95% (1.306 to 33.950). 62.1% found the incidence of transmission of knowledge is less experienced positive pulmonary TB (p = 0.027), OR = 5.803, IK95% (1.217 to 27.665).

Found 55.2% less attitude experienced incidence of pulmonary TB infection (p = 0.031), OR = 6.716, IK95% (1.195 to 37.733). Found 55.2% less action experienced something positive pulmonary TB infection (p = 0.020), OR = 7.319, IK95% (1.362 to 39.328). IMT was found 55.2% less experienced something positive pulmonary TB infection (p = 0.272), OR = 2.290, IK95% (0.523 to 10.027), the lighting is less 100%, less moisture as much as 84.6%. Honai density is high (100%). Conclusions: There was no relationship between demographic factors on the risk of transmission of pulmonary TB. There is a correlation between socioeconomic against pulmonary TB transmission risk. There is a relationship behaviors against pulmonary TB transmission. There was no relationship Nutritional Status against pulmonary TB transmission. There are currently no relation physical environment home against pulmonary TB transmission in the community dwellers Honai in Wamena, Jayapura Papua Province.


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How to Cite

Manangsang, F., A. A, A., Hatta, M., & Nurdin, A. A. (2016). Behavior Model Analysis and Risk Factors of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Transmission of Honai Residents in Wamena, Jayawijaya District, Papua. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 30(3), 209–221. Retrieved from


