Causes for Personal Naming Shift in Wolaita and its Effects on Identities of the Nation


  • Endale Endrias Arega Lecturer of English, Wolaita Sodo UniversityP.O.Box: 138, Tel: +251 912 075612/+251 943 954679, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia


Wolaita, Wolaita personal names, Wolaita culture, shifts in Wolaita naming, indigenous names.


This study mainly focuses on assessing the major causes that resulted in the naming shift in Wolaita. It also investigates the consequences of the current


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How to Cite

Arega, E. E. (2016). Causes for Personal Naming Shift in Wolaita and its Effects on Identities of the Nation. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 30(4), 438–445. Retrieved from


