Age, Parity, Antenatal Care and Pregnancy Complication as Contributing Factors of Low Birth Weight Infants


  • Sisilia Leny Cahyani Health Polytechnic MoH Kupang, Jl. Piet A. Tallo, Liliba, Kupang NTT Province Indonesia
  • Sulansi Sulansi Health Polytechnic MoH Kupang, Jl. Piet A. Tallo, Liliba, Kupang NTT Province Indonesia
  • Bringiwati Batbual Health Polytechnic MoH Kupang, Jl. Piet A. Tallo, Liliba, Kupang NTT Province Indonesia


age, parity, ANC, pregnancy complication, low birth weight.


Low Birth Weight (LBW) is the weight of baby which is scaled at the first hour after be born < 2500 gram. This problem is very important to be cared because it relate to the baby


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How to Cite

Cahyani, S. L., Sulansi, S., & Batbual, B. (2016). Age, Parity, Antenatal Care and Pregnancy Complication as Contributing Factors of Low Birth Weight Infants. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 30(3), 1–7. Retrieved from


