Comparison of Counting Examination of Calculated Leukocytes with 100 and 300 Cell on Leukocytosis Patients


  • Nurlia Naim Health Analyst Department, Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Makassar Indonesia


Calculation results, Calculated leukocytes, Leukocytosis patients.


This study background that the importance of using manual methods Swabs Blood Bank at the examination counts of leukocytes were counted with 100 and 300 cells, which in this study both methods counts will be compared for each type of leukocytes that includes Basophils, Eosinophils, Neutrophils Trunk, Segment neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes. This study aims to examine the types of leukocytes contained in the blood of patients leukocytosis that observational laboratory with sampling technique accidental sampling as many as 10 samples. Based on the results of research in the Laboratory of the Department of Health Analysis polytechnic MoH Makassar, the data obtained from 10 samples t smaller than t table Ho who has an accepted meaning indicating that there was no significant difference between the methods of counts of 100 and 300 cells. With, looking at the results, it is suggested to further researchers to study leukocyte count with an advanced method that is 500 cells in patients with leukemia.


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How to Cite

Naim, N. (2016). Comparison of Counting Examination of Calculated Leukocytes with 100 and 300 Cell on Leukocytosis Patients. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 29(2), 159–167. Retrieved from


