Personal Hygiene and Scabies Incidence on Scavengers in Alak Lanfill Kupang City


  • Irfan Irfan Politehnik Kesehatan Kemenkes Kupang
  • Oktaviani Maria Dilianty Politehnik Kesehatan Kemenkes Kupang


scabies, personal hygiene, scavengers, landfill.


Personal hygiene is needed to maintain good health, both physically and psychologically. Application of lack of personal hygiene and environmental conditions were as dirty as the final disposal, will facilitate the emergence of various skin diseases like scabies. Until now research Scabies thus only rarely occurs in Kota Kupang. This study aims to determine the relationship of personal hygiene with the incidence of scabies in Alak landfill scavengers. This analytic observational research used cross sectional design and was conducted in Alak Landfill. The samples were 40 people working as scavengers and be taken by purposive sampling. Sample criteria are scavengers with age over 17 years old, can read and willing as respondents. Research variables are scabies incidence, skin hygiene, hair cleanliness, clothes hygiene, cleanliness of hands and feet, and also bed linen cleanliness. Data retrieved through observation and direct interviews with respondents and then were analyzed by chi square test with ?=0:05. There is correlation between scabies incidence with skin hygiene (p=0.032 OR=14.143), hair cleanliness (p = 0.043 OR=12.000), but there is no correlation with clothes cleanliness (p=0.316), hands and feet cleanliness (p=1.000) and also with bed linen cleanliness (p=0.566). The public health center and other relevant agencies are expected to remain and continue the health promotion activity of personal hygiene and to give scabies medicine completely.


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How to Cite

Irfan, I., & Dilianty, O. M. (2016). Personal Hygiene and Scabies Incidence on Scavengers in Alak Lanfill Kupang City. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 29(3), 76–82. Retrieved from


